
Minggu, 09 Agustus 2015


The Satsumadori originates from Japan. According to the Laboratory and Animal Breeding and Genetics of the University of Hiroshima the breed originates from the Edo-period (1603-1867) Satsuma used to be the former name of the Prefecture of Kagoshima. In that period the breed was referred at as ’Ojidori’ meaning : Large country fowl. The present name (give in the 1920’s) Means : Large country fowl of Satsuma. Sometimes they were called Kagoshima game. In 1943 the Ministry of Culture declared this ,and some other native breeds, as Protected Cultural Heritage.
The Satsumadori was developed with the breeds Shamo and Shôkoku and some local landfowl (of wich is no precise record) And was in the First place created as a game breed, a Knife fighter. These fast fighting birds fought with a single 10cm steel knife attached to their leg.

Mainly because of their beauty and grace the breed was imported to the Netherlands and Belgium and Germany followed soon. Likely for pitfights aswell as in those days as that was done in Western-Europe too. The oldest imported Lines are likely extinct or crossbred to other breeds as for years no records of Satsumadori breeding in Western-Europe is found. The German stock existing today is believed to be build on 14 (illegally) imported birds in 1970. Because of their protected status as Cultural inheritance it is forbidden by law to export birds or their products.
Modern birds in Japan:
After giving up on legal pitfights, breeders have crossed the slender game birds to local fowl to increase bodyweight. So today two types of Satsumadori exist, the old pit-type and the ‘new’ heavier type, wich is bred for meat. Because Satsumadori mature slowly (they reach adulthood far in their second lifeyear) their meat is marbled and because of that considered a delicassy. The Japanese have trouble keeping this and other Cultural Inheritage breeds goiing as young people are not that much interested in breeding chickens. To safe their inheritance the Ministry of Culture had invited European breeders (And poultrybreeding organisations) to come and talk about exchange projects to help spread the genes and have more people breeding them and this way securing the breeds futures. However the Infuenza (Bird flu) had prevented this meeting and still today we await a new invitation.
Modern day birds in Western-Europe
The past few years some individual breeders have managed to ship eggs from Japan to the Netherlands, Germany, England and Belgium of what we know. So the base is carefully widened, but still breeders find problems due to inbreeding. Logically people have been using other breeds to cope with these problems. This offcourse had consequences for colors and type. As the Japanese have ( next to colors we know) some different colors than we know in Europe.
Colors in Japan.
Japanese are highly perfectionistic in how the birds must look in bodytype and their attitude. However in colors they are not as strict as we are in Europe. Japanese refer to the color of the hackles as we name the color of the complete body and creating sometimes immense long names for our colors.
Satsumadori have one color typical for the breed and not found in other breeds.
Shirosasa: Roosters look just the same as black brested silvers (or silver duckwing) but are not completely clean black brested, but have a few white spots here and there. The females are a grey silver and also have this on their breast, they totally lack the salmoncolor. Also their chicks are solidcolored and lack wildstriping as we know from Patrridge-BBsilvers-Silverduckwing.
Another color that differs but is found in several Japanese breeds but not in Europe is Akasasa. It looks a lot like Blackbrested Reds but are often more intens and deeper red colored. Here the hens also lack a salmon breast and the chicks are solid aswell.
List of literal translations of Japanese colors:
Shirosasa = White hackled (or white decorated)
Akasasa = Red hackled (or red decorated)
Kisasa or Kinsasa = Golden to yellow hackled (golden decorated)
Kizasa is reffered to if the color breeds true and Kinzasa if a color comes from combining other colors (like silver x red)
Taihaku = White body
Soukoku = Implies ‘self black’ as ‘ Kuro’ means black aswell (think of Kurokashiwaà the Black oak)
Kiiro kuri = Yellow-black bamboo (or just yellowblack). It’s basicly a Golden crow wing.
Soukoku is selfblack
Kiiro kuri (or kokkö) (薩摩鶏 黒黄) A new accepted color beiing bred in Satsumadori for a couple of years, though it is not very popular in Japan.

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